Using certain functions of this website, such as making purchase or subscribing to our mailing list, etc. may require you to submit personal data. By submitting your personal data you must accept our privacy policy. If you submit or send us someone else’s personal data then you are responsible that you have the consent of such third person.
We will handle all personal data according to Hungarian law and EU legislation. We will not forward your data to any third parties unless such data forwarding is necessary for us to serve your order or otherwise permitted by law.
We will store your personal data in a secure way and only our administrative staff will have access to these data who are bound by confidentiality agreement. We will always store your personal data in a secure way on our serves at (ecwid.com) and in our main office.
Here are the functions of our website that involves or may involve handling of personal data.
Obviously we will need some of your personal data if you place an order in our webshop. For this purpose we will handle your name, address (delivery and/or billing), your e-mail and telephone number so that we are able to contact you in respect of your purchase or delivery. We will NOT handle or store your payment data, such as credit card information. These data will be sent to our online payment service partner in an encrypted that we have no access to. We must however forward your contact and delivery data to our parcel service partner to be able to delivery your products.
Information required by law:
Customer data is handled until required by law but at least until the end of the sixth year from when the purchase was made.
Purpose of data handling is to fulfill our obligations as sellers.
Subscribing to our mailing list is always voluntary. Local laws require us to ask for your name and e-mail address when you subscribe for our mailing list. We will never forward these data to anyone without your prior consent and we will only send you information about our offers, service updates, new or important product info and other cool stuff regarding our business. We will not bother you often and we will respect your decision if you choose to cancel your subscription which you can do anytime by contacting us or clicking the unsubscribe link found at the bottom of all our e-mails.
Information required by law:
Mailing list subscription is valid until you unsubscribe.
Purpose of data handling is to send you product information and marketing material.
According to local laws we must inform you about your personal data and how we are handling it whenever you make such a request to us.
You make such a request in postal mail or e-mail and you may also ask us to correct, modify or delete your personal data we store except if we must keep your data unaltered as required by law (usually billing info). We will fulfill your request as soon as we can but local laws require us to inform you that we have a maximum of 30 days to do so. If we cannot fulfill your request then we will write down the reasons for you and you can turn to the competent courts for legal remedy within 30 days from receiving our refusal.
We also have to inform you that you have the right to make a complaint regarding our privacy policy and data handling practices at the Hungarian National Authority for Data Protection and Freedom of Information (in Hungarian: Nemzeti Adatvédelmi és Információszabadság Hatóság, Szilágyi Erzsébet fasor 22/c, Budapest, Hungary, H-1125, Tel.: +36 1 3911400) by sending a postal mail to their address at Pf.: 5, Budapest, Hungary, H-1530.